Coronavirus Anti-AAPI Racism Incident Report

In the past several weeks, the world has been hit by what the World Health Organization is calling a “global pandemic.” As the virus Covid-19 spreads, numerous Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders (AAPI) have reported experiencing microaggressions, racial profiling, hate incidents and in some cases, hate violence. In Los Angeles, a child in San Fernando Valley was physically assaulted at his middle school and accused of having the coronavirus simply because he is AAPI. On a San Francisco street, a young AAPI woman was spat upon and blamed for bringing the coronavirus to the U.S. Young people as well as adults and seniors in California fear being perceived as the source or carrier of the disease.

Asian Pacific Policy and Planning Council (A3PCON) and Chinese for Affirmative Action (CAA) have launched a reporting center to allow community members to report incidents of hate they have experienced. Individual information, including personal identification details, will be kept confidential and will only be shared with permission. In the aggregate, the information will be used for assistance, advocacy and education.

For more information and to report incidents of hate:

For versions of the form in various languages, visit:

Last updated byadmin on March 24, 2020