Sign the petition: Urge Your Governor to Make Vote by Mail Available to All Voters

From Daily Kos:

We are now less than one year away from Election Day 2020, and Americans still struggle with access to the ballot box. With long lines, limited polling place hours, difficulties getting time off from work, electronic machines that are vulnerable to hacking, and voter suppression and intimidation, the challenges to casting ballots are real.

Our democracy works best when all who can vote do vote and every vote is tamper-proof and secure. Voter suppression laws that make it harder to vote have gotten out of hand. It’s time for the nation to make it easier to vote—not harder.

Several states have already successfully enacted Vote by Mail including Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Utah, California, and Hawaii — and these states are seeing a higher voter turnout as a result. Vote by Mail states saw a 15 percent higher median turnout than polling-place-centric states during the 2018 primary.

We must expand vote-by-mail with prepaid postage nationwide.

All states should require that Vote By Mail easily available to all voters. Voting by mail breaks down barriers to voting for seniors, working families, disabled Americans and young voters. And it will encourage greater participation in our democracy. It gives people the time and safety to vote from the convenience of their own home, and it even saves taxpayers money on election administration. Paper ballots are unhackable and can be recounted and audited by hand.

We can include more people in our democracy, and protect our democracy from those who would threaten it. Make your voice heard in support of expanding Vote by Mail to all U.S. states!

Sign the petition to all state governments: Make Vote by Mail accessible for all!

Participating Organizations:
Daily Kos
Let America Vote
New American Leaders Action Fund
People for the American Way
Voter Rights Action
Supporting Organization:
Democracy Initiative
Last updated byadmin on March 24, 2020