COVID-19: Addressing Discrimination and Racism (Guidance for Health Departments)

From Public Health Alliance and Public Health Institue:

In response to a rise in reports of racism and discrimination against API communities as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak, the Public Health Alliance of Southern California (Alliance) convened the Equity Subcommittee on Addressing Discrimination and Racism to help support local health departments in advancing a welcoming and inclusive framework within their own jurisdictions and across Southern California. As both fear and misinformation about COVID-19 continue to grow, health departments and community members are reporting increased incidences of physical, verbal, social and economic discrimination against Asian Pacific Islander (API) communities. Chinese American and other API communities have already begun to face attacks on individuals linked to fears about the virus1,2. Local health departments have a critical role to play in actively rejecting and preventing discrimination and racism and working to promote the health and safety of all people living in our communities.

The Alliance subcommittee, with input from Berkeley Media Studies Group, developed a set of rapid response guidelines
to be considered for implementation by Local Health Departments.

For more information: Click here to access PDF document

Last updated byadmin on March 19, 2020